- - You can see who is playing from Steam, and if you have the game purchased from Steam, you will appear in TAB as STEAM ON even if you are playing non-Steam.
- - HD textures for maps and HD models for weapons and players.
- - This version of CS 1.6 updates directly from Steam.
- - Improved UI.
- - Clean server list without fake servers.
- - Increased speed of connecting to servers.
- - You can change the FOV just like in CS:GO
- - This is the latest version of CS taken from Steam, version 8684.
- - Protector - protects the client from malicious commands from the server.
- - Advanced video settings - FOV fix on 16:9 resolutions, ability to adjust FOV and separately adjust FOV for the first-person model.
- - Display more than 255 HP (for players who play on zombie servers).
- - Display number and size of remaining files, total file size, and upload speed when connected to the server.
- - Advanced crosshair settings - added new crosshair types: dot, T-shaped, circle.
- - Works perfectly on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows 11.
- - And many more, I’ll let you discover them.
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CS 1.6 AMD Full HD
Posted 07 October 2024 - 01:44 PM
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Posted 08 October 2024 - 10:36 AM
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